Seward Mariners Memorial
Northern Lights Mariners Memorial Seward

Support the Mariners’memorial

Your tax-deductible donation to the Seward Mariners’ Memorial will always be put to its highest and best use. We are currently in need of funding for a proposed memorial honoring Seward’s 13 victims who perished in Alaska’s powerful 9.2 1964 Good Friday earthquake. Some donors put a stipulation on their contribution: upkeep of the gardens, historic plaques honoring individuals long departed from Seward’s shores etc. And there’s always routine maintenance and repairs to the site. 

The memorial is a 501(c)(3) under the auspices of the 2003 Seward Centennial, which included a mariners’ memorial in its list of important projects needed for the citizens of Seward. The entire memorial project was built with grants, fundraising and donations from people like you.


Many thanks to all of our donors:

Updated June 2019

Diamond: $25,000+

Sue Kaanta Estate

Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National Heritage Area

Platinum: $10,000 to $24,999

Rasmuson Foundation

Seward Community Foundation, affiliate of Alaska Community Foundation

Gold: $5,000 to $9,999


Petro Marine Services-Carol Ann Lindsey

Holland America Line

Catalyst Marine Engineering LLC

Silver: $2,500 to $4,999


Icicle Seafoods, Inc.

Major Marine Tours

Samson Tug & Barge

Wells Fargo

Fishing Company of Alaska, Inc.

Bronze: $500 to $2,499

Alaska Marine Dealers Assoc.

Alaska Tanker Company LLC

Altermatt, Randy & Deborah in honor of Jackson Wilcox

Anderson, Margaret

Anderson Tug & Barge


Bilyou, Eric, Webmaster

Breeze Inn Motel


Clampitt, Ralph

Erickson, Nancy E.

F/V Rocky Captain & crew

First National Bank

Gardens By Design

Hatch, Arne & Melody

Harmon Construction

Hotel Seward & Ms Gene’s Place

Johnson, Scott & Beth, and Seward Seaman’s Mission

Kenai Fjords Yacht Club

Kovalsky, Jill

Kumin Family

Martin, Victor & Kathy

Metco Incorporated

PND Engineering

RP Art Inc.

Resurrection Bay Seafoods

Ron & Tye Long

Rotary Club of Seward

2003 Seward Centennial Committee

Shoreside Petroleum

Skoog, Chellie

The Usibelli Foundation

Walker, Eric & Charlotte

Walker, Madelyn Y.

William H Seward Yacht Club

Other Contributors:

Alaska Vocational Technical Center

Atwood, Kari & Orvetta Elde-in memory of Capt. Jack Johnson

Bacon, Patty

Brittain, Mike

Buckalew, Seaborn & Lois

Erickson, Mark

Foster, Robert

Glaser, Mike & Katherine

Griswold, Carol

Hammond, Nicholas

Hearn, Bill

Hinds, Steve

Hopkins, Sue & Jeff Carter-in memory of Capt. Jack Johnson

Hubbard, Jim & Rhonda

Huss, Warren & Mary-in memory of Don Oldow

ILWU Unit 60

Lemon, R.M. and D.L. Perala

Linville, Bob & Patty

Melville, Henry

Moriarty, Dr. & Mrs. Michael

Murawsky, Nicola

Properties By Landmark-in memory of Capt. Jack Johnson

Ray’s Waterfront

Reidell, Michael & Amy

Rupple, Paul

Saari, Steve & Sharon

Stoltzfus, Eugene & Janet Trettner

Tero, Richard

Terry, Von & Christy

Tougas, Joe-Catalyst Marine

Walker, Dan & Madelyn