Judy Christiansen Wins Quilt Raffle
Judy Christiansen proudly displays the Seward Mariners’ Memorial quilt she won at a raffle drawing May 17 at Chinooks during the Harbor Opening dance. Donated by the Seward Area Quilters, the group invested more than 14 hours in their creation featuring the memorial lighthouse replica surrounded by Celtic knots. Even though many quilters were involved in the project, members Tammy Nicolas, Adam Bauer and Donna Glenz did the lion’s share of the work.
Members of the Mariners’ Memorial committee are gearing up for a busy summer to complete the final construction phase of the project featuring installation of a wave wall, four cleat benches, a bench honoring the late Sue Kaanta and landscaping. These efforts are boosted with continuing support from the Seward Community Foundation, Holland America, Rasmuson Foundation and Kenai Mountain Turnagain Arm National Heritage Area Corridor Communities – and many private and corporate donors. However, approximately $20,000 is still needed to complete the project.